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Assalamualaikum :)
okayy , besok balik asrama *reminder , haha
tapi kann , takde ahh berat sangat hati ni nak balik asrama besok macam sebelum-II ni .
hmm , maybe sebab jumaat depan dah balik sini semula :D
and . . . maybe sebab ni last moment aku dengan kawan-II aku kan .
tahun depan for sure ada yang nak pindah .
yelahhh , siapalah aku ni nak menghalang kan , hmmm :/
bohong sangat-sangat kalau aku cakap aku nak diorang pindah .
to him , tau tak sebab apa aku asyik tanya kau bila keputusan permohonan kau keluar ?
sebab ?
sebab aku
and I mean it okayy .
tapi , siapalah aku kan nak menghalang cita-II kau tuhh .
and aku tak nak kau tahu semua ni sebab aku nak kau capai cita-II kau okayy :)
outside yes , I'm supporting tapi dalam hati kalau boleh taknak .
maybe kalau kau dapat sekolah yang kau nak tu , I'll smiling happily outside but inside I'm dying :']
know what ? you're my 'friend' who treat me seriously like a child .
you called me little cinderella , we watched barbie together , you said the prince
is you and the barbie is me *how sweet xD
and I think the internet also got jealous of us . haha !
almost every second you'll said I'm childish , so cute and you like it
and of the course I'm smiling in front of the lappy :D
thanks for treating me like a PRINCESS :)
heyy , one more thing ! you know what ?
yess , You Are :)
and you always said this to me ,
Only You :]
but once if you go , never forget me okayy .
I'll wait for you , Only You :']
whatever happen keep smiling and be happy because
till here , assalamualaikum ~
written on Oct 27, 2012 @ 7:25 AM ✈
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