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change .
Assalamualaikum , heyy and hye :)
now , 11:01 p.m. , my home sweet home Kluang , Johor .
well , act banyak lagi benda yang kena buat daripada menghabiskan masa membebel kat sini .
but , this is my way to express mine so what ?
isnin periksa Sejarah and QuranSunnah tapi tak baca buku lagi .
okay okay , benda boleh settle , so relaks :3
hmm , know what ? a lot of things in my mind right now .
pagi tadi breakfast , like always borak-II dengan umie .
tell her everything , yes everything . about school , friends , studies , homework and 'others' .
she understands me a lot but somehow I'm not telling her for a certain things .
kadang-II aku terfikir berbaloi ke aku buat sesuatu tuhh ?
bila rasa macam tak berbaloi takut tak mampu nak hadapi , if you know what I mean .
and yes , aku dah berubah sangat , dulu aku seorang yang sangat sangat dan sangat mementingkan perasaan aku , but now ... okay drop the subject .
sekarang aku terfikir , tak perlu rasanya mengubah cara kita untuk menjaga perasaan orang .
just be the way we are . and one more , I hate judgers .
judgers . the one who judge more than think . know us first then you'll know who we are .
and also liars . talam dua muka .
depan bila ditanya baik belaka bila belakang ngadu segala , what the ? -,-
come on lahh , sixteen kod . think matured .
jangan nak samakan semua orang kat dunia nihh . every people different with their own way .
accept them for who them are .
yes , aku akui aku memang ego . sangat .
kadang-II bila renung-II balik , annoying gila kan aku . dahlah ego , degil pulak tuhh .
kalau benda tu salah tapi pada aku betul , susah gila nak mengaku yang benda tu memang salah .
shame on me . I'm trying to change .
terima nasihat orang dengan hati terbuka . well , nak dihormati kena menghormati kan .
every person make mistakes , but that's not a reason for us to keep repeating the same mistakes .
well , first mistakes second choices . think think and think :]
till here , assalamualaikum and night .
p/s : note to myself and you maybe ;)
written on Mar 9, 2013 @ 7:32 AM ✈
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