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Buzy girls acecehhhhh
Assalamualaikum :D
long time with no recent updates .
well , see the title , a busy girl . wekkkkk :b *perasan*
first of all , kenapa mesti balik asrama hari ahad even kalau isnin tu cutiii .
what the fishhhhhhhhhh -.-
know what , we , the students are already exhausted with those school activities .
and plus next week the war begin .
you know what i mean right ?
dengan kawadnyaaa , dengan nak periksanyaaa .
hoyy heyy , pray for me untuk kawad negeri rabu depan kayy .
orang muor , kitorang datang rabu depan nihhh . hmmm
fuhh fuhh , betul-II menguji fizikal , mental , emosi , minda dan sebagainyaaa -___-
ohhh yeahh , Happy 17th Anniversary umie and ayah :DD
see , both of you got a very cute , clever , pretty , awesome daughter xD
and you called them as Hawa . what a nice name alololo .
heh gilaaa , puas puji diri sendiri ? -,-"
okay , drop the subject . nak cerita semua yang berlaku ?
ohh tak payah lahhh , panjang sangat . lagipun takut ada menyentuh perasaan mana-II pihak kan ?
well , fyi blog nihh ramai stalker . thankyou thankyou my sweet stalkers :*
hmm , it's May already . see how fast the time run .
haa , and yes . my trip to Penang is quite awesome .
and my nadwah kebangsaan is awesome too . tired ? it is a must .
cuma bila balik dari nadwah tuhh , okay then I got a lot of news .
4 hari pergi nadwah , macam-II yang berlaku macam dah 4 tahun tinggalkan sekolah ,
k hiperbola much .
I just want to say that , think maturely . think the good side and the bad side and also the effects
when doing something .
not all the good things are really-II good . go through it and know it better .
you may know my mistakes but you don't know my stories .
and yess , let all the people judging . know what ?
people are too busy to improve others until they forget to improve themselves first .
pity on 'them' .
ohh yeahh , one more thing . I got the second place for public speaking .
so far so good lahh heh .
Allah tak pandang hasil , Allah pandang usaha :)
last but not least , think more judge less .
till here , assalamualaikum :]
p/s : goodluck exam and also the match :P
written on May 4, 2013 @ 12:46 AM ✈
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